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Foto do membro José Eduardo Roselino

José Eduardo Roselino | Logotipo Lattes

Instituição: DGTH-UFSCar
Curso: Professor - Doutor em Ciência Econômica
Início do curso: 2012
Entrada no GEEIN: 1090


Bacharel em Ciências Econômicas pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (1993), Mestre (1998) e Doutor (2006) em Ciências Econômicas pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Professor Adjunto vinculado ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia - PPGEc da Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Tem experiência no desenvolvimento de projetos de pesquisa para instituições como BNDES, Finep, Fapesp, Sociedade SOFTEX, IPEA, CGEE e MCTi. Atua na área de Economia, com ênfase em Economia Industrial e Economia Internacional, principalmente acerca dos seguintes temas: indústria de software, política industrial e tecnológica, economia da tecnologia, internacionalização produtiva e economia do conhecimento.

2016 - Atual

Industry 4.0: where are we in history?
Descrição: Several industrial sectors are experiencing a radical transition to a new model of organization of production. The integration of new technologies associated with the internet of things, additive manufacturing and 3D printers is revolutionizing the manufacturing environment with the creation of cyber-physical production systems. This new model of production has been called industry 4.0, which would refer to the emergence of a so-called fourth industrial revolution. This project argues that from the perspective of the historical process we must understand the emergence of the new industrial paradigm that has been termed as industry 4.0 as a phenomenon that results from the evolution of the third industrial revolution rather than as evidence of a so-called fourth industrial revolution. This does not mean that the perspective of this chapter undervalues the importance of the innovations that are being identified with the arrival of Industry 4.0, which are surely radical and bring the need for in-depth analyzes of their possible impacts on society. What we believe is that these radical organizational and technological changes brought about by industry 4.0 are the result of a process that began at the end of the last century, and whose fundamental core is the development of the technologies associated with the electronic complex, that is the very heart of the third industrial revolution. The third industrial revolution came with the expansion of the electronic complex and the emergence of information and communication technologies. The pervasiveness of these information and communication technologies is the fundamental vector that has propelled technological and productive transformations since the last quarter of the last century, and is still the driving force behind the extraordinary transformations that come with what is called industry 4.0. From a more careful historical perspective, which synthesizes the most important aspects of the three industrial revolutions, this chapter states that the so-called industry 4.0 has its origin in the continuity and intensification of the transformations that literature has called, since the end of the 20th century, The third industrial revolution.
Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa.
Integrantes: José Eduardo de Salles Roselino Júnior - Coordenador.

2013 - Atual
Redes Globais nas Atividades de Software e Serviços de TI
Descrição: Projeto iniciado no âmbito do Observatório Softex, Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação. O objetivo deste projeto é compreender a dinâmica de funcionamento das redes globais nas Atividades de Software e Serviços de TI e analisar o desempenho inovativo das empresas brasileiras do setor..
Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa.
Integrantes: José Eduardo de Salles Roselino Júnior - Coordenador / Antonio Carlos Diegues - Integrante / ALINE CORRÊA FREITAS - Integrante.
Número de produções C, T & A: 1 / Número de orientações: 1